On October 1st, 1983, Mike and Naomi Mata were married. We were honored to be able to celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary (that's 25 years in case you don't know) this weekend with a nice dinner with some of her siblings.
We were trying to come up with how many years of marriage we represented at the table. It is something over 220.

Mike and Naomi (25 years)

Byron and Anita (24 years)

Iris & Ivan (47 years)

Howard (sixteen years before Orma passed away) & Kathy now 7 years

Darrel and Janet (33 years) Looks like he may be objecting to my picture taking :)

Clint and Judy (soon to be 47 years) I think they got married in Kindergarten.

Naomi is my stand-in with Har, we've been married 29 years.
It was really nice to get together with that group. In looking at the photos I'm amazed at how dominant that blue eye color is in that family. Wow.

This is Rowan this morning with his signature hair-do.
We had a visit from a friend and his daughter (also a friend) and her little boy. Jenny and Nicholas are here for a couple of weeks from the San Diego area. They got to visit with Alyssa and Rowan here too.

Jenny, Nicholas and Grandpa Craig.

Courts studying.

Hayden taking a break from school.

A boy and his dog (sorta). How perfect is that!