Wednesday, March 30, 2005

There there-apy

Does it imply overload if you want to just sit in your vehicle in a parking lot and watch rain run down the windows because it's quiet. Even those few brief moments of solitude were refreshing. It seems as though I have constant audio and visual stimulation from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until the 3rd, 4th or 5th time Cam comes back into my room at night for a hug and a kiss. But it's the "Goodnight, Have a good sleep." that comes from his lips and heart just before he shuts the door that is kind of a benediction on the day signaling that everyone has shuffled off to their beds. All is calm.


mommarazzi said...

P.S. Does it imply overload when you refer to your daughter's laying hen as your "grandchicken"?

WallaWallaDay said...

I think yes. Overload. But the older I get, the more I come to see overload as inescapable. Not for all times. But for life in general. As Western culture has created it for us! There are definite periods of non overload and also inevitable periods of overload. Such as the one I'm in now.

What I need to do though, is time management. And times when all you do is sit and watch the rain run down the windshield are just as important as... doing your taxes. Sometimes, more important.

Tuesday, I went up on a hill overlooking the city and stood in the wind that nearly knocked me down. It was loud, but the wind was the only sound I heard. The strength of it the only thing I felt. All my thought and attention was then drawn to the wind for those brief moments.

I don't know about the grandchicken thing. Is it chicken overload when there's a note at work from my boss complimenting my success, reading: "Glory Chicken, Defender of the Innocent would be proud"