Thursday, August 17, 2006

(3rd and Final Round) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN!!!

I'm finally getting around to posting a birthday blog for our Hayden. Today is his 12th birthday. We have had a fun time eating breakfast out (Original Pancake House), giving him his new bike, shopping, shopping with Logan, going to the Coliseum to see some extreme bike tricks and stunts, eating barbecue, eating ice cream cake, playing with new video games and having one of his best local cousins over for dinner and FIREWORKS!

Yup we did fireworks one more time. Have about 5 of the medium (legal) fireworks left. Set off about a dozen. The police drove by after I had everything cleaned up. Whew.

Hayden has been a great asset to our family and a blessing to many. He is kind and considerate. He is a GREAT Uncle to Wyatt and Genevieve. He has a wonderful sense of humor and a real quirky streak. Many a time I've been scrolling through the photos on my digital camera and find a really strange self portrait on there. I have a few I'd like to show but Hayden is above all modest.

Happy Birthday Hayman! We love you.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

YAY HAYDEN!! He's been 12 for how long now? like... three years or something? Maybe a week and a few days... but that's almost three years. Or not. I do like pictures though :D check out the pictures on my blog! They're not as great as brother pictures but they are cute.