Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two days of AMAZING!

Friday we took the trolley tours. We took both the green line tour and the orange line tour. It kept us from getting exhausted walking for miles and miles and we were able to get off whenever we wanted to and get back on one of the next trolleys to come along.

So these pictures are from Friday.

My sister Kelly (my tour guide)
The National Cathedral (breathtaking)

Union Station (the statue out front is of Columbus)

The U.S. Capitol (notice the flag? It indicates that Congress is in session)
Washington Monument (the only one I didn't see up close and personal)

Jefferson Memorial (he said some very profound things) I have some pictures of the FDR memorial as well but didn't blog them. It was someplace I'd like to spend more time at.

This is Saturday....Kelly and Kurt and Tiia all came as tour guides for our travel to the White House (no cameras allowed.) Everyone should get a tour of the White house, seeing the artwork alone is worth the time there. It was spectacular. After a brief stop at one of the many, many museums in the city we were off to see the Lincoln Memorial and 3 of the war memorials.

This is the Korean War memorial. It was so beautifully done.

Here is the Vietnam Memorial The Lincoln Memorial
The WWII memorial which I found to be so informative and inspirational.
They have these pillars all around the sides. Each one has a state name or territory name.
I don't know how many of these there are but they are incredibly detailed 3-D carvings depicting images of the war, both in the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. So cool. The paratroopers above owed a lot to the Rosie the riveters below.

This the the Atlantic side of the memorial and it has a mirror image on the other side for the Pacific. Isn't it beautifully ornate?
Our day ended here as far as tours go. We had a delicious dinner at Kurts sister's house. She was also the one who arranged the tour of the White House.

So there you have two more days of my adventure in the Capitol. See y'all soon.

1 comment:

Jenn Turner said...

You guys are having WAY too much fun...