Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

It's February 29th, Happy Birthday 3rd birthday to Sophia Criswell.
Look who came to see Gramma and Grampa !He is the sonshine of Lys and Logan's life.
"The Uncles" think he is pretty cool too.
Courtney's birthday party continued.....bowling at Interstate Lanes.
Har and I on a date...Actually Alyssa and Rowan were there too so not officially a date. Eating at Billy Heartbeats makes me feel like singing along with the oldies playing on the juke box.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

that's one cuuuutie boy :D the rest of those kids aren't too bad lookin either.

And yes, you guys are cute too... with your shakin' and your fryin' ;)