Saturday, December 26, 2009

A long Winter's night or rather a long Christmas post!

Christmas Prep
This was my motto this year but don't know how successful I was in accomplishing it.

By the time Christmas Eve came around I had...
Finished lighting up the porch.
Hung some stockings....
Procured the sparking beverages...
& enlisted helpers in the kitchen...

Christmas EVE!
Some of our elves look like they've been up to something!

We had a group of friends here for a Christmas Eve service.
Lyssa and Courtney dressed up fancy.

We had the grandkids open their traditional pjs while people were still here.

Wyatt took care of some last minute details. Then everyone was off to bed.

Christmas Morning!

Everyone congregated in the dining room so we could enter the living room together.
Stockings are always first on the agenda.
My camera lens fogged up because it is about 45 degrees in my bedroom (where the camera was in my bag) and quite a bit warmer in the main house.
Harlan and I got a book for each of the grandkids and a stuffed animal that went along with the story.
Wyatt got "If You Give a Moose a Muffin".
Rowan opening his presents. The sock monkey was made by Aunty Joylynn. I wish Harlan's mom was able to make sock monkeys for all of our kids. Rylan, Cherise, Krystle and Courtney are the only ones that got them.
Pretty pretty princesses in their tent with their "hip-hop scotch" rug.
Alyssa is about 3 1/2 months further along in her pregnancy than Joylynn is.
We look forward to a couple more grandkids to showcase in this blog next year!
The members of the 2 year old club. We missed Simon.

Alyssa, Jess and Joylynn did get to eat their own meals after making sure their kids were taken care of. Such good mommies and daddies these kids have!
This is probably going to be the final post of this year. Aside from little sober-sides (Wyatt) this is a pretty good picture of some pretty great kids.

Enjoy the rest of 2009!
May we all be found enjoying good health and peace in the New Year!

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Both merry and bright! A good Christmas if I do say so myself :D