Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Playground buddies

Cousins making memories
Today Genevieve met her teacher. I found out that her teacher and I went to the same university, Michigan State. I also found out that my first dorm room was a couple doors down from her first dorm room. Separated by 20ish years. Small world.

While we were in the school, Rowan and Danika were playing on the playground. Alyssa sent this photo to my phone. I sent it to my email. I loaded it on to my desktop and then put it in my blog folder where I retrieved it from to post here.
Isn't technology amazing!

But not more amazing than having such precious grandchildren.
Little moments caught by technology make me smile :o)


Lyssa said...

They were good little captains :) ...though captain Danika's ship kept sinking so captain Rowan would rush over and lifting the imaginary ship over his head would then "save" her by pretending to toss it onto the blacktop... After that they slide down a slide, climb something, or be active in some other preschooler-ish way.

Those two are fun :)

Lyssa said...

*it should be "they'd slide down a slide" not just "they". Typos are hard to see on my iPad... unless I completely botch it up ;)