Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy boys must get out

Caught red handed
Sticky fingers on Aunty Coco and Uncle Charlie's laptop. Why is it that everything fun is a no no! This busy boy must get outside to run off his mischief energy.

40 degrees and light rain?
Sounds like a park play day to me
Courtney was a dear and volunteered to take the little guy to the park. It was chilly out there but he bundled up and carried a blanket for the stroller just in case. Looks like it didn't take him long to start exploring.

Slide down and climb back up

Isn't it crazy how kids love climbing up the slide instead of going around and climbing the ladder or platforms in this case? He has had sufficient climbing experience to master any mode of getting to the top.

Farewell park
I'm sure Gar-bear had a good time on his outing. It would have been great if he had cousins to play with. Or siblings to run with. That will have to wait until summer. I do hope Courtney tired him out. I would appreciate him taking an afternoon nap today instead of wanting to go to bed at 5:30. We kept him up until 8 last night and he still got up at 6:15 this morning.

Show and tell
When they got back, Garrett came over to me to proudly show me his stick. He held the tip right in front of the flash as I was taking a picture. Looks like he's got a flame on the end. That would be a big no no!


Lyssa said...

It might be a little late now but honestly headstart or some other playgroup/daycare/preschool thing where he could get out and interact with other kids would be great for him and you! Something to engage his mind so his body doesn't keep taking over and touching buttons ;)

If it is too late to enroll in anything that isn't crazy expensive well then I guess you'll all be fine. That little guy is one loved kid I tell you what! With a gramma like you and aunties to take him to the park, he doesn't know how good he has it! ;) ...actually I don't think any one year olds are capable of knowing that... even if they tried really hard.

Reese said...

Garrett would love to play on Henry's new play structure. I built it today and Henry loves it and has already mastered climbing up the slide, also scaling the castle wall but he wasn't sure what to do at the top... for now ;)