Sunday, September 09, 2012

More fall decor and an early birthday surprise

Looking like Autumn
 Central Bible church has quite an old facility. It's as old as I am. Though they are making a ton of updates to the building to be able to open Joy Central, there is not much that can be done to update the huge fortress of a sanctuary. A bit over a year ago someone came up with this color blocking on each side of the platform. In the spring and summer there are multiple hues of green. This past week they changed it over to fall colors. I love the orange draping under the screen and the lighter orange on the cross. After Thanksgiving it will be changed to purple and blues which go really nicely with the large Advent banners they hang from the 30 ft ceiling.
Notice the Hilman crew getting the sound stuff stowed?

 Teriyaki Guys

 We checked out a new lunch place. Cameron is the only one of us that had teriyaki. I think if we go there again, and that is a big "if", we should all get teriyaki but with different meat choices. Harlan saw photos of the three guys in the back hall so perhaps the story on the wall is accurate... unlike the tall tale that was spun to explain the different Bibo smoothies.
Surprise! Happy Early Birthday!!!

 I thought this floral arrangement was sooo pretty and so Joylynn :0)
She loved it!
Her birthday is actually on the 10th, tomorrow as I type this. I just wanted her to be able to wake up and have a reminder of how much we love her and how happy we are that we get to spend time with her on her birthday.
This is a very very special birthday for her in more ways than one.
Have a GREAT birthday, Joylynn!

New fall pjs
It's finally getting cool enough at night to be able to wear long sleeved nighties.
I bought Genevieve's and was going to give it to her for her birthday in a month but then I saw the big "D" one for Danika and had to get both of them. So they are late b'day and early b'day pjs. 
The girls are dressed and ready for early bedtimes on these school nights.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Happy birthday Joylynn! Well done on the flowers Mom :) beautiful!

Those girls look pretty comfy in those jammies. Very cute!