Brrrrr it makes me cold just looking at these
The Portage Lake lift bridge is somewhere in that photo. The Copper Country is getting walloped with a doozy of a storm.

I stole this pictures of my cousin, Jeff, attempting to clear the snow that has blown up against their house. Oh I remember those days. It's fun when you're a kid and school is cancelled and you aren't responsible for shoveling it.
It looks like they are possibly in for more at the end of the week.
Our FROSTY has melted
We need to get out on the porch and remove the lights from our swing. They have been unplugged since shortly after New Year's but I haven't convinced any of the guys around here to bring the ladder up so it can get done. The snowman is zip tied to the chain of the swing. It's not much of a deterrent for thieves but you'd be surprised how many of my Christmas decorations have walked away from my porch and yard.
A couple spots of color
Primroses have to have been created to encourage us to not despair at the length of winter. They are so colorful and happy looking. The arrangements I bought each have a hyacinth in them as well. Lovely to look at an lovely to smell.
We haven't seen any rain since before sunrise. There are some beautiful big puffy clouds out there though. It should be close to 50 degrees each day this week and little chance of rain until the weekend.
If you can believe those weather folk.
All of you in deep snow territory ... keep warm and keep safe.
And hang in there Spring is coming!
That's a lot of nice looking snow!
Henry has started asking when it's going to snow here... :\
I think we should all go in on a house in da UP and spend as much time there as possible. Who's with me??? ;)
I wish eh.... *sigh*
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