Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Zoo ---- Finally!

After it seems like weeks of appointments or yucky weather we got a beautiful day to go to the zoo. It was especially nice to be able to have Uncle Hayden, Aunty Courtney and Uncle Charles go with us.
We let Garrett chose where to take the traditional pose of the posse o' the day. He chose the ice cave.

There are detours and construction everywhere up there! It was a pretty straight forward walk through the Pacific Coast stuff and the polar bear and sun bears who were loving the sunshine.
However we did a bit of back tracking to get over to the Africa exhibit, but made it over to the animals we came to see… 
The LIONS, specifically the cubs

The three lion cub sisters were out with their mom and dad. We were told that they'd be on exhibit from 10:30 til 2:30 so they aren't out too much yet. They are getting so big! There weren't frolicking much but it was nice to finally see them in person. The zoo website has cute videos of them.

After leaving the zoo we came back to our house and had lunch. Judging from the pleased smirk on Garrett's face, I'd say that our outing was a success in his 3 year old point of view.
It was a fun day in the sun ;0)
He's already asking for me to take him back "to da zoo" but today he's having his first pedicure at their neighborhood salon as his mom has her nails done.
This kid's got it made! 

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