Friday, January 13, 2006

It's time for a new Grandkids post.

It has been awhile, as Cherise reminded me, since I posted any pictures of Wyatt and Genevieve. They don't get over here very often as Joylynn is working a couple of days a week. We are going to have them all day on Sundays while she is at work and Jess is also at work. Last week was our first time going solo with them. It was quite fun. I got to rock Wyatt to sleep for his nap and then snuggle with Genevieve so she could take a nap too. The only challenge is while we are working in the resource room/breakfast room at church. We put Wyatt in the nursery during the 9 a.m. service and he played with the "Uncles" during the second service. Genevieve slept under the desk for around a half hour and then fell asleep in Grandpa's arms some during second service.

We sure like these little critters.


Lyssa said...

sooooo cute! I love those babies!! YAY BABIES!

WallaWallaDay said...

Wyatt said my name to me! So cute!