Friday, January 06, 2006

Where does the time go?

Man the past 3 weeks have flown. Not that there was anything going on or that we were busy with anything :o) Wedding, Christmas, concerts, New Years, concert, ministry day, kids coming home, kids leaving, school, road trips, deployments, changes (I think I like changes the least)... I did manage to give Rylan his once a year haircut. He is such a cute kid. I guess at 25 I shouldn't refer to him as a kid and a man isn't supposed to be cute. How about, He is one very good looking dude! In any event... it was sooooo nice to have him around for a few weeks. Hopefully after he gets his degree he will be able to come home for a longer time before he heads back to get his Doctorate.

Hayden always has a hard time whenever someone leaves. He would love it if Jess, Joylynn, Wyatt, Genevieve, Cherise, Lyssa, Logan and Rylan all lived here with us. Christmas was fun with EVERYONE here. I'm sure we will eventually be "empty nesters" but it is a long way away. I think Hayden mentioned one time about living here with his wife! So we may not be empty nesting at all. But then we will have live in housesitting and can maybe travel. Just the two of us. Sounds like a plan.


WallaWallaDay said...

Nice haircut. Adam says he's not as pirateish... I think he may still be able to pull it off :)

WallaWallaDay said...

I think you should post some baby pictures. Vivi is 3 months already! And Wyatt is coming up on 2 years!! *gasp* That means I am almost 22 :)