Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Bounty

My "sound" man
Harlan has been helping with sound at church for probably a year now.  Every once in a while he has to run the board solo.  He had to do it this week. So, there was no Father's Day brunch for us this year.  I did give him a spiffy to-go coffee cup and had a nice raisin bran muffin for him to munch on as I drove and dropped him off at church for 6 a.m.

Out to Lunch
 The boys, Krystle, and I treated Har to lunch out. We went to a place that always reminds us of Alyssa and Logan.  We've eaten a Taco Del Mar with them several times over the years.
I like places that have a wide variety of things for our diverse taste buds. 
(Sounds better than picky eaters hey?)
Presenting him with gifts
He got new ratcheting loppers. He named them Cyndi :0)
The perfect movie experience. A Tillamook "Big Dad" beef stick and bag of Fritos and apparently Pop has a secret. I'm going to volunteer to watch that DVD with him.  I love Jesse Stone!
The surprise gift... a kindle fire.
 He didn't know he wanted one but he will wonder what he did before he got one. 
Let them eat steak
I prepared a potato salad between the time I came home from bringing Har to church and headed there ourselves. I had steaks marinating for a couple of days that we cooked up for supper. That was one huge slab of meat. Our little gas grill did an amazing job of cooking it to a medium rare.  We had some smaller strip steaks for the children to enjoy.
After the kids were in bed the boys and I did an ice cream run to round out Father's Day for Har.
Overall it was a very nice day.
It ain't over 'til the last card is read

Today, Har got a cool card in the mail from the Virginia kids. It's one of those sound ones and the record on the turntable actually turns!

So now Father's Day 2012 is officially  in the record books (or blogs).
Hope all you dads felt appreciated.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Just for the record, I smiled and chuckled at the name Cindy. The kind of smile and chuckle that would translate into a hearty knee-slapping sort of laugh in person ;)

Cindy.... Heh heh.