Sunday, January 06, 2013

Our Grand of cuteness

Coast to Coast cuties
and their definitions via the 
Beach Boys' "California Girls"
"Well east coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear"

"The west coast has the sunshine
And the girls all get so tanned"
"And the northern girls with the way they...quilt ;)
They keep their boyfriends warm at night"

I am so happy that our East coast kids and our S. Cali kids keep sending pictures!
These two arrived on my phone yesterday. Our two youngest granddaughters. Harlan always looks at pictures of them and says, "Too bad they aren't cute! :P"
They are both growing up so fast and so far away that I neeeeeed these glimpses into their lives.
I'm going to have to start working on Harlan to get some travel dates on the calendar.

Thanks guys for keeping  us up to date on these girlies.


Reese said...

Ha ha, very cute :)

Lyssa said...

Love it! :) too cute