Friday, May 11, 2012

Final full day

Morning jaunt

This is the moat keepers cottage at the Excalibur. It's at the base of one of the turrets.

Magnolia tree in a bed of petunias.

One last daytime look at New York, New York.

MGM Lion. They are renovating the exterior of the building so it's shrouded in black fabric.

One more tram ride

Excalibur station. I've never been in such a multi-ethnic crowd as in this city.

I'd always ridden in one of the middle cars and didn't realize that I could have a more scenic ride from the first or last cars. The glass is dirty and tinted but you can see the tracks and the resorts. Leaving Excalibur.

Passing the Luxor.

Pulling in at Mandalay Bay.

The loading platform at Mandalay Bay.

Visit to the Aquarium

Took a photo at the entrance.

Everything about this resort including the aquarium, makes you feel like you are in someplace exotic.

They had a couple of these walk throughs where you were surrounded by the aquarium. The final one had glass floors as well.

I did not pet them!

End of the exhibit and our time at Mandalay Bay.

One last look at the Luxor

I walked through this area every day while I was there and it wasn't until the final day that I looked up and saw the amazing painting on the ceiling.

These are two of the five drawings that are repeated along the walls at the main entrance into the Luxor.

I realize I know little of Egyptology. But with the 90+ degree temps and the dessert winds I could almost imagine what it'd be like to be on an archaeological dig.

I don't know anywhere that is like Las Vegas.  Where you can travel from one culture to another in a matter of minutes by visiting these amazing resorts.  The common theme is the gambling and that is a culture all to itself. But for those of us who don't even know how to gamble, don't drink, smoke or carouse, Vegas still has something to offer in it's escape from reality.
It was a nice "escape" but it's great to be going home!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Las Vegas

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