Wacky clothes Day
Genevieve opted not to take part in dressing in a wacky outfit but Danika got in the spirit of things as did Wyatt. Danika had mismatched patterns and layers of leg wear. Wyatt wore shorts over long johns. He still had a little orange paint on his scalp in spite of the haircut and shampoo he endured.
Birthday blankie
Our friend's granddaughter turned one! I made her a "Gramma blankie" of her own. Her mother is still using the quilt I made her years and years ago.
I love my 'little world"
Joann fabric sale plus additional 25% off coupon allowed me to get a new little plaque for my bathroom. Now I just need some geraniums to match. Can you grow those inside the house or do I need to get a silk one?
On again off again day
Our Spring weather has been so weird. Rain, hail, wind and lovely sun breaks. All in the space of a couple of hours. Spring has to be the most fickle season ever! But it does have some very lovely sunsets.
The boys have blankets too
The boys have blankets too
I finished both blankets for Hayden and Cameron. I managed to have them identical except for the backing and one square on the front. I think they turned out great. Courtney and Krystle think so too.
Bring on the warm weather. The guys are ready.
Warmer weather, here we come

We are getting close to starting to count the days until we get to see these cuties!
Our itinerary is full. We have only 4 nights there and want to see a bit of the area and do some touristy things. Our most important job while we are there is to drink in every bit of cuteness and preciousness as we can handle. It's a tough job but it's ours ;0)
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