One of the most common sight around the neighborhood and around business are these flowering cherry trees. They seem to have more abundant blossoms this year. They sure are lovely heralds of Spring!
Blooming CUTE!
Photos of four of the five grandkids taken this week. Garrett was wearing Yaya's (Wyatt's) eagle mask. Wy's classmates each made some sort of bird masks this past month. Henry and Anabelle were enjoying a day without any appointments or school. Katie was a girl after her Gramma's heart, shopping at Joann Fabrics with her mom, Aunty Kelly and Muumuu (my mom). Wish I was there with them!!!
I was busy with my own stuff though

I have been out getting pampered. I got a new haircut late last week and a purple pedicure yesterday.
I could get used to this leisure time.
Cute bunny
Since I haven't seen the pictures of the finished product, I'm sharing this sketch of a bunny that was going to be the subject of a "Pin the Tail On" game at an Easter gathering.
Alyssa drew it. To me it's reminiscent of the early drawings of Bugs Bunny.
Hope the party and games were a big hit with the kids!
Enjoy the leisure time! Love the haircut too, BTW.
So I thought Garrett's picture was Rowan for a second. I guess those round faced cousins have some similarities :)
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