Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cam's an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship Class
Cam has a class at school called Entrepreneurship. The class that led into this was a Marketing class that was offered during the first semester. Since Cam didn't enroll until 2nd semester he missed out on this part of the business curriculum.
In any event he had to take part in a Trade Show at the school. It included creating a product,  manufacturing that product, marketing the product and selling it.
Cam came up with a wooden stand for an iPhone or iPod that would amplify its sound.
Master of Manufacturing

Cam and Harlan hammered out a design and Harlan started working on ways to bring it to reality.
He's never done any type of fabrication requiring making multiple units of anything. So this was a bit challenging. Har pulled an allnighter for the first time since college to get them completed. By the morning of the trade show Cam had 18 units to sell at $10 a piece.
At the show

I may be a bit prejudiced, but I think Cameron had the most professional looking display there. His marketing was very well done including his brochures and presentation. I like the colors he picked out for his table too. Top notch Cam! 

Way to be entrepreneurial! 

1 comment:

Reese said...

Awesome job! I want to try one :)