Tuesday, September 04, 2007

School Daze Year 3

We kicked off our 3rd year with Connections Academy last Wednesday. So today is day 4 of our 07-08 school year. Oregon Connections Academy is growing and changing as the years go by. There are things that didn't work in the past that have been revamped. There are new regulations to be aware of and adhere to. I am a little behind the curve in my learning all the new things. I have gotten more emails in the past 4 days of classes than I recieved in 4 months last year. That is because ORCA has enough teachers this year to have a multiple teacher model for all junior high and high school students. So I have at least 11 teachers to be in communication with.

Don't get me wrong. I love ORCA. I enjoy having my kids schooling at home and I want them to be successful. So if I guard the school hours a little more this year than in years past, bear with me. We are getting this train moving slowly.

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