Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Oregon Trail ....kinda

I'm pretty sure the pioneers didn't have suncatchers in their prairie schooners but they didn't have digital cameras to catch the sun behind them either.
I can't travel in the Columia river gorge or in any of the area south of the river without think about the hardships and struggles that those Oregon Trail pioneers went through.
The land would be pretty much the same minus the highway system.

The skies would have had the same vastness to it. Though I doubt anyone had much time to be looking at the clouds and dreaming. Perhaps on Sundays if the train they were with stopped.
The hills between the high prairie of central Oregon and the Columbia River look anything but hospitable. I'm sure Louis L'Amour fans would beg to differ.
The sun going lower in the sky is the sign to start wrapping up whatever you need to do for the day. It is time to rest and get ready for the day ahead.
The Dalles was a welcome place for many travelers. It was the beginning of a river journey for some. It also was not far from the Cascade range and the end of the Oregon Trail in Oregon City. I'm sure there are many travelers along Interstate 84 that have stopped here for a meal or a cinnamon roll. Cousin's ....It is one nice family restaurant.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

I like this post. Good going Mom :D I especially like the first and last pictures. Those are some cute kids we've got eh? cuuuuute kids :)