Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Schooling at home = good clean fun

We have taken advantage of the beautiful weather so far this week to get outside a bit.
Cam found the sun a bit too bright so made a shelter.
Boys will be boys.
Doesn't bright sunshine just beg to be combined with a magnifying glass.
The most he achieved was a bit of smoke. No living things were harmed in this activity.

Record temperatures yesterday

Water was called for.
The boys took bucket and rags and the hose and went to town cleaning Logan's Subaru.

This was the 3rd try to get a picture of the splash.
It is difficult to determine if all of the vehicle got clean when it is wet but when it dries you can determine that indeed they missed a spot.

Our maple trees have leafed out nicely in the past week. It looks like fall until the leaves start greening up.
In about 6 months they will look like this again.

The boys took all of the furniture off of the porch and scrubbed it down.
Cam diligently scrubbing. Notice our bumper crop of dandelions in the parking strip :o) a sure sign of warm weather.
Hayden and a much earned rest. I love our outdoor living space!
Thanks guys. You did good.

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