Wednesday, September 21, 2005

School Daze

Well we wait no more for curriculum. It arrived yesterday and the day before. The kids are excited. My brain feels like it's going to explode. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done ahead of time. We had no ahead of time. So we jumped in with both feet. So far so good. We have had to communicate with the teachers a couple of times. Courtney's teacher lives in West Linn. He will probably be able to come over sometime a couple of months from now. The boys' teacher is in Scio. We may be assigned a different one before all is said and done. Oregon Connections Academy was hoping to have between 500-700 students. They had only 300 some and then they did a news story and newspaper story on it. They now have over 1100 students and are scrambling to get more teachers. I nice problem to have. Anyway. We are an official Connections Academy family and proud of it. Notice the difference between last year's (ghetto homeschool) and this year's pictures.


Lola Bacon said...

What adorable students! What amazing desks and school space! What an awesome family! I miss you. I'm coming over next week.

Lyssa said...

I for one miss the "ghetto school". While I give a hearty three, or perhaps even four, cheers for connections academy I long for the tree licking days of old. What happened to the good ol' days when reporting that your little brother does not float in an inch of water in the bathtub wasn't frowned upon? When did we resort to cans of tuna and crayons? oh wait... I guess that was today, nevermind then :) I answered my own question.

WallaWallaDay said...

And what about long eerie noises that consistently grew louder but never drew attention from other classmates. And what about burning things rather than doing schoolwork... and falling out of chairs and throwing things???