Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy 2006

It's been 2006 for over 12 hours in Korea. Rylan is still here for a few days. It has been so good to have him home if only for a little while. Technology allows us to keep "in touch" but that physical touch is so important. Anyhow... we are wrapping up a year that has been so eventful in our household. Kids coming and going. Growing and changing. Going through the things that Har and I did back in the day. It's hard to keep focused sometimes on the fact that God has everything in His control. Not one moment of my fretting, fussing, or trying to do it "myself" changes that fact. I'm tired tonight. I really wish Harlan had another week of vacation to spend with us here at home. This past week has flown by. We are looking forward to some fun stuff in the year ahead. We would like to make a trip to Michigan again if that is possible. We would love to get to Washington D.C. sometime before my sister and her hubby are stationed elsewhere. Most of all I want to be filled with God's wisdom and strength to do my job here. It's not over yet. Seems like I'm just starting in some ways (Gramma-hood you know).

I hope this blog entry finds you all being excited about the year ahead. May God keep us all in his hand.

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