Monday, July 16, 2007

Summertime and the livin' is easy....

There is a song from way back in 1957 by that title. Don't know that I've ever heard all the lyrics but those seem like words to be inspired by. Summertime should be a time when you sit back and watch the flowers, crops and grass grow. A brief moment of fun and relaxation before the pressures of school, harvest and changing weather bring us back to our reality.

Hope you all take a few moments to swing on a porch swing or lay back on the grass and listen to the wind. Perhaps followed by a nice glass of iced tea or a big slice of cold watermelon. Summer has come and we welcome it.


WallaWallaDay said...

Babies! They aren't really babies anymore are they. Sad. But they are still so cute =)

Is Cameron drinking milk there? That's funny.

And Hayden is bringing me vindication with his cheetos there. I just had a conversation about how guys use their stomachs to put food on and I don't remember ever doing that.

mommarazzi said...

Cold strawberry milk on a hot day. Yum.