Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Preparations for Christmas

Friday we went to town
 There was a fine layer of ice pellets frozen on the window under all the frozen fog flakes that fell down on our van overnight.
The frost crystals on everything sure made it look like a winter wonderland.

We went to an amazing Christmas shop and tree lot

It was here that we got the kids' picture taken with Santa and I bought some seriously large candy canes for the trip back to Portland.
We switched drivers so I could take pictures

Portland doesn't have too many people riding horses so this sign was a novelty to me. There was one on each side of every little bridge as we headed into town.

I had Har stop so I could get out and take a picture of the river with the frosty trees along its banks.
The rest of the day
 We spent the rest of the day doing little things here and there. The dads got the tree into a stand and it was strung with lights.

 The cousins had a great time bathing in the super deep tub in the master bathroom. It was one of the highlights of the trip for Danika and Garrett. They want to visit again just to take a bath ;0)

The girls, Cherise and I had fun making paper crafts to decorate the kitchen. Cherise cut snowflakes while Danika, Genevieve and I made cut paper chains.  It was during this time I holed up in the bedroom and drew names for our gift exchange. I do know who has my name but that's fine. Everyone else can be surprised. It was kind of fun this year to text message each kid and tell them whose name was drawn for them. 

The tree all lit up and being admired by Little Miss Anabelle and another shot of it at night before we turned in.
Crafty and thrifty

Cherise gleaned pine cones, baked them to kill any critters then glittered them to put into a wreath and swag.
Both of them were made from evergreen clippings from their property. 
Simply lovely.
Child friendly nativity
 Garrett and Henry played for quite awhile with these figures. Though Garrett kept taking the angel off and putting the baby Jesus up on the roof. The angel was put behind the stable. It is a great set for kids of all ages to get familiar with some of the main people that made up that first Christmas.
This picture was sent to me by Cherise this past week. Henry had assembled every toy person in the house and a few extra critters to be a part of this group. He explained that "Everybody wants to see the baby Jesus."
Hopefully everyone will see Him
in one way or another during this season.

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