It's been a long week. Emotions are up and down. School, commuting, people coming and going... I haven't taken many photos :(
There were a few noteworthy events though.
JESS! Turned 35!
The kids came over and we took Jess and Joylynn out for his birthday dinner.
Wyatt, Genevieve and Danika were so thoughtful to get him a new electric razor since his previous one somehow stopped working (toothpaste will help do that).
Hayden and Cam each put a paper bag on his head so Wyatt needed one too.
Cute little robot boy.
Lalita turned 26!
Lalita was in Portland for a little mini-vacation. We were happy to get a chance to see her today before she headed for home, since it is her birthday.
She and I got to go out to lunch, just the two of us.
It was a new vegan restaurant that opened down the street a few months ago. Yummy food!
Came back to our house for her to pose with a frozen coconut cake. It was also yummy.
I have been thinking about working on a couple of new quilts. I have the lovely fabrics.
ROWAN!!!!! came back!
Alyssa and Rowan came back from their trip to Sisters, OR.
They were down there spending time with Logan's parents and having fun in the great outdoors at the ranch . Max was happy to be a ranch dog for a bit too. He misses having his big yard when he is here in Portland.
Commuter photo
We had a couple of days of sunshine and warm weather this week. I snapped this while at a traffic light.
I love seeing the reflections in the river. So lovely!
I tend to see beauty in lots of things. I should take a photography class some day.
I don't know if it was because I was having coffee with my Honey or if the next holiday/birthday is on my brain but I saw a heart in my banana bread this morning!
Favre Still ROCKS!
It was sad to see the Vikings lose today. They had an awesome season! Next to Joe Montana... Brett Favre is my all time favorite football player.
THANK YOU for a wonderful season and it's been great watching you enjoy playing the game that you have loved for so long!
Rylan's political passions
Many of you know that Rylan isn't the most gregarious of individuals. He is a quiet man. I guess it's true the still waters run deep because he has a surprisingly wide variety of interests. A couple of them are sports and politics. His support of and interest in those things took him to Salt Lake City, UT in December. He got to see his JAZZ play and win in their home arena. He also got to meet Sarah Palin as he went to a book signing. If you cut and paste the following link you can see the photo that was taken at this event. come from a quite liberal minded extended family and married into a quite conservative family. I myself tend to lean toward conservative policies. So even though I adore my mom and aunts.... we tend to steer clear of those topics.
C'est la vie! for now.