Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Reigning youngest Grands, Yearbook time, & Projects

The youngest "GRANDS"
These two are currently the youngest Grandson and Granddaughter.
Little stripey guy and stripey girl!
I swiped this from some pictures that Cherise sent. I think she also posted it on her blog but I'm copying her since it is so cute!
Henry is going to have to move on up to big boy status when Joylynn has her little guy.

Flowers from my husband
I was out running one of the kids somewhere the other day when I got a call from Harlan saying he had something at work that he didn't want to carry home. It was flowers for ME!
What a lovely surprise!

Projects in the works
I haven't done a ton of sewing lately. Been a bit busy with other stuff but I did pick up some new fabric this past weekend.
I think it is a wonderful palette. Now if I'm only brave enough to try some piecework. I think I may just stick to my squares... they're tried and true.
Courtney, on the other hand has been working with Charlie's mother on a quilt of her own. Joann is a real quilter. She does beautiful work. Courtney is learning a lot from her and having fun to boot! Didn't they come up with a fun bunch of fabrics?

Yearbook 2009/10 school year

The deadline for submitting photos and information to the school was fast approaching and my boys were not too enthusiastic to take part in the yearbook. They had not had their pictures in it before and didn't want to this time either but I made them. I perused my photo files and gave them several choices. They each reluctantly picked a photo. Their picks are on the left and my favs are on the right.

This coming school year may be Hayden's last year with Connections Academy so we want to take advantage of all they offer. Perhaps I'll take the boys out to some location an do an official photo shoot next time.

Anything can be artistic

Hayden took this picture a few weeks ago when we went out to get the van fixed near Vernonia. It's some sort of apparatus to anchor a cable that would block the access to a two-rut side road.
I thought it was very cool looking so it is on my blog.

1 comment:

Reese said...

I like Hayden's yearbook pick. And the old contraption. Very cool.