Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Snowy morning

Rare glimpse of the white stuff
Taking off from home this morning found us traveling through about 40% snow and 60 % rain. It wasn't long before we were headed into higher elevations.

"Cats and dogs!"

Wyatt enjoyed watching the humongous flakes coming down. His comment when we came out of the tunnel heading west was "It's snowing cats and dogs!" He is always trying out new riddles on us too. This morning's was "What has legs but can not walk?" followed by "What has teeth but can not eat?" He often messes them up which makes them even funnier.
Looks like we were driving in a snow globe.

Getting closer to his school.

We arrived!

We were a few minutes later than usual so there were more kids at school when we got there. I heard quite a lot of excited children's voices when he opened the van door. Too bad the snow isn't going to stick for long.
It did stick to my front license plate. My goodness my van needs a car wash! Wish road grime was white instead of grey.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Wow! What an exciting morning! I'm a little surprised they didn't freak out and call a snow day ;)