Friday, September 05, 2014

Our overnight in Goldendale

Off to camp

While Cam was gone to Young Life camp with his Generation Unleashed youth group.Harlan, Hayden and I took a road trip to Har's hometown. We stayed at his sister and brother-in-law's house, Naomi and Michael. I love, love, love hanging out with them in their cozy home.
 I got to enjoy traveling in the back jump seat of our truck. Our van is having some issues so we took the truck. I loved being able to sit back and enjoy the scenery and take photos.

Morning walk around

 We walked over to McD's for breakfast and saw some deer walking around town too. 

While at  McDonald's we were admiring the photographs they have displayed around the place. One was of Stonehenge with Mt Hood in the background. We decided that we were going to stop there on our way home to do the touristy thing. I had never been there before so was really looking forward to it.
Harlan was walking down memory lane with Hayden as I took pictures of whatever caught my fancy.

Years ago we drove up to the observatory but have never actually gone in. Harlan was able to skip school to be up there when they were installing the main lens for the big telescope. It would be fun to tour the place one of these days.
It's sad to see businesses that have closed but they make for cool backdrops for old timey photos. 

The building where Har had shop class is still there. This is where he learned so much of what he uses to do all of those woodworking projects around our place. The front facade is pretty much the same even though it is now a school district office building.

Just after I took this crabapple picture I had a puppy dragging her leash wrap her wiggling self around my legs. We tried to find her owner but there was no one around.  A lot of people, horses and vehicles were setting up a few blocks away getting ready for the Klickitat County Fair parade.  We thought someone there may have put the leash on their trailer hitch and she just got it loose and took off.  Since we didn't find her owners we took her back to Mike and Naomi's.

We took her up to watch the parade with us in hopes that someone there would know who she belonged to. That didn't happen but we put the word out there and plans were made for her to be picked up by a rescue organization later in the day if no one else came to get her. We had to leave her with Naomi and trusted that her owner would come for her. It was hard as she was a great dog! Hayden, especially, liked her.

As it turned out we hadn't been gone long when a young woman showed up to claim her. According to Naomi there was a happy reunion.

We enjoyed a happy, but too short, reunion with Mike and Nomie too! 
It's always wonderful to be there.

I've got lots more pictures to share of the parade and our time at Stonehenge but will do those in another post (or two). It's been way too long since I've updated this blog. In addition to those events we have coming up: Danika's birthday & back to school posts.

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