Saturday, October 20, 2012

After school snack stop

I've missed this monkey

Garrett has spent the last week with Mom and Dad. It's been a long week for Gramma.  Har and I promised the rest of the kids that we'd take them to McDonald's to make sure they got buckets for Trick-or-treating. We picked them up from school and headed out to their house to pick up Garrett and Joylynn. 

West Union and Cornelius Pass Rd
We went to the newest McD's in their area. It's really a beautiful building. If you were just popped into the dining area you'd be surprised to find out you were in McDonald's.

 Since it was only 4 p.m. when we got there the after school snack turned into and early dinner. An almost empty restaurant allowed the kids to do some exploring after they ate while Har and I visited with Joylynn and Garrett. 
Gar-bear has not been broken of this habit.  It doesn't help that his siblings think it's funny. I'm sure he'll eventually outgrow putting food in his ears.

Everyone had a wonderful time
 It's so fun to gather over food and games whether a board game or a iPod one. Sharing is caring!

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