Saturday, March 10, 2012

Look Gram"MA" no cavities!

Six month dental check
Danika got to go to see the dentist today. She was so excited.

She noticed the new coat rack right away.

"Despicable Me" was the movie that was showing.

She set the timer to see if she got called back on time.

She is a model patient
I was so proud of her once again. She cooperated with the hygienist and had a great cleaning and fluoride treatment.

Big kid x-rays
She had to have bite-wing x-rays for the first time. They are a little different and more difficult to take.

Dr Sheena and the prize drawers

Dr Krista finished up the check-up and declared her cavity free! Good job Danika!

For each step in the procedure she got to pick a prize, or two, or three from the colored drawers. The green drawer after the cleaning, the purple drawer after the x-ray and the blue drawer after the doctor finishes. Plus everyone gets a balloon. I have a feeling those top three drawers are harboring goodies for those kids that have to endure more invasive treatments. Thankfully we aren't going there this time.

Headed out into the rain
Danika chose to wear her rain boots. Good call.
Notice the hint of pink on the trees?
Spring's popping out all over.


Reese said...

How great for Danika!

We need to get Henry is soon I'd think, he's big enough and certainly has enough teeth.

Perhaps Anabelle is just trying to avoid the dentist altogether with her no teeth :P

Reese said...

*in not is

Lyssa said...

We also need to get into the dentist. I wish we were in Portland because that dentist looks super fun!