Sunday, March 04, 2012

Wacky Wendy's evening

Kids n the hoods
Wyatt and Danika were cold so they kept their jackets on and hoods up. Cam is just going through that stage of teenage"hood" :o)

Learning from the best
Have you ever done this with bottle caps? Obviously Harlan has done it a time or two.
Garrett wanted lessons.
He just has to learn how to squint and he'll have it down.

The normal kids
Hayden and Genevieve were hanging out and eating nicely.

It's been a long time since we've been out to Wendy's. I don't think we've ever gone there for the day of restaurants. But it was nice and quiet and Har managed to keep Garrett entertained and occupied. So my job was made much easier.
Whenever we eat out, Harlan turns to me and says, "Thanks. You're a good cook."
On Sundays I'm a lazy one too.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

That's a cute picture of Hayden and Genevieve :) and I like Garbear's jammies. Super cute! :)