Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Books and boogers

Little bookworm
With his three appendage grab of this book, he looks like he could be related to the main character. Garrett has finally started to show an interest in books. Though he still likes to destroy them too :0(
We're working on that.

A "must read" for Wyatt
Genevieve and Garrett went in to see the pediatrician this morning. There were tons of books there from the Beaverton City Library.
This one was funny.

I think Wyatt would really enjoy reading this. He'd appreciate all of the puns and humor.

Upside down culture... art appreciation.

Galloping green goobers
got G'vieve and Gar-bear
Both of these kids woke up with eyes stuck shut with goop. So to make sure it wasn't conjunctivitis, I brought them to be checked.

Genevieve got into the book drawer while Garrett checked out all of the other drawers.

Gar was persuaded to sit and look at a book too. We got there about 40 minutes early and didn't get seen until 50 minutes after our appointment time. Sure is fun entertaining a toddler that isn't feeling well for an hour and a half :P

The diagnosis
Garrett has an ear and sinus infection. It's only in his left ear though so it could be worse. Genevieve has a sinus infection and both are going to be on antibiotics for a week or so.
Time to stock up on some good yogurt!

When the medicine starts working it will be time for me to get to sleep through the night again.


Lyssa said...

Cute pictures! Too bad both of them are sicky, though I suppose if only one had it another would inevitably catch it eh? Maybe this will get it going and out of the house faster.

Fingers crossed for you! :)

Lola Bacon said...

Poor buddies! I hope they heal fast, and glad it's not pink eye.