Thursday, January 19, 2012

Goodbye snow - Hello rain

Farewell snow
My snowguy is still sitting on the porch swing but the snow we got is now all gone and has been replaced by rain... almost 4 in. in the past 48 hours.

Water everywhere
This is on Fremont near Irving Park. The water covers both sides of the road, the sidewalks and part of the grass at the park. It's about a half block of deep water. I'm glad I wasn't on foot!
Hayden enjoying some more palatable water. Is Aquafina a Coke or Pepsi product?

Drip, drip, drip to dip, dip, dip

Garrett is getting to be more adventurous in his eating. Though raw baby carrots are not something he should be eating, he was using one as a scoop for Ranch dip. I took it away and gave him a few crackers and some broccoli. This is the first time I've seen him dip anything. I think it is the Lighthouse brand that he likes. It's pretty tasty.

Math genius in training
I caught him playing with this bead thing. He was just kicking at it to make the beads rattle but, to me, it looked like he was using his toes to count.

Growing up so fast
Every now and then I take photo of him and see in it the big kid that he's becoming. This is one of those pictures. Well it would be if you ignored the drool soaked shirt :P

His continuing battle cry
So many things to get little time between naps.
He makes the most of his time, believe me.

1 comment:

Courtenzia said...

Aquafina is a pepsi product and Dasani is a coke product =)