We dropped the kids off at school and headed for Fred Meyer. It had been a week since we'd shopped and I was anxious to see how the remodel of our Hollywood West store was coming along.
First stop ~ rest room
Garrett still fits in the child chair on the wall. It is nice to have someplace to keep him from wandering. The other option is to take the shopping cart into the rest room which isn't very easy to do with one of those big car carts.
Trying out some masks
Garrett wanted to try on all of the masks in the display.
Iron Man.
Captain America &
Isn't it lovely?
Way back when the renovation first started Harlan had looked at some drawings of what various departments would look like when they were done. We couldn't figure out where there would be an eating area near windows. That eating area has become a reality. It looks toward the east parking lot and the can return building. It has a gas burning fire place on one end and a couple of rest rooms on the other and is very lovely.
I'm looking forward to more coffee dates here with Har.
Perhaps next time without our busy little sidekick .
After having a whole doughnut and some of a Sobe drink, I don't know if an "Easy Nap" is going to be the case this afternoon.
Sugar buzz and a motorized cart
We really need to tag team when Garrett is with us. Especially when he's not riding in a shopping cart. He's seen this cart in use and thinks he knows what to do to get it going.
It won't be long and he will know what to do.
He's very observant and very much a "Monkey see - Monkey do" boy at this stage.
Henry loves captain America. He was bouncing beside me saying "Mackin Mamerca!" (one of the few people he always mixes up the name for) when he saw Garrett's picture. I'll have to keep that in mind for Halloween I think.
I think he kinda resembles his Godsiff cousins in that mackin mamerca mask! I would highly recommend those masks Cherise! Our have gotten tons of use and are still goin strong! Great fun :)
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