Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First time in 27 years... I'm not a homeschool mom

Angry Birds - do you have a fav?
 I got to play a few levels of Angry Birds yesterday while waiting for Harlan at Howard's office.  I enjoy playing all of them. However I have banned the grandkids from playing them during worship time at church. I do have a couple of quiet games like Tesla toy and Atomic toy on my iPad that are like glorified Spirograph type programs. They keep the little ones quietly occupied and are boring enough to allow the kids to keep listening to the service.  Our poor kids only had a scrap of paper and a pen to doodle when they had to sit in church. 

The girls got ready for school 

Genevieve picked various patterns of purple clothes to wear today. She looked so cute.
 Danika wanted to share the new book she got yesterday. She loves her SMART class. It stands for Start Making A Reader Today. You can tell that she watches old tv shows with Aunty Krystle. She said that this book was "episode one" of the Fancy Nancy books.

Last log on :'(
Eight years is more than enough time to get attached to a daily ritual. I've appreciated everything about Connections Academy. The free curriculum, the computer support, the encouraging teachers and the freedom it gave us in educating our kids. I'm going to miss it.

First walk through Grant High School
I'm so glad we went to register Cam when we did. It happened to be the perfect timing to talk to an advisor, get him set up for classes, get his text books, his locker and to tour the building. He's all set to start second semester of freshman year along with the Class of 2016.
Cam has the same high school colors as I did!
He didn't even realize it but he wore grey jeans with a blue and grey sweater today.
We're going to have to get some General gear! 

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