Friday, January 18, 2013

Work and another sick kid

Homework hater
"Everybody knows that I hate homework!" I hear this almost every night. I used to hear it every night but it's getting better since he can do his math homework online. It's funny that we have one anxious to leave his online school and this one wants to do online school. Wyatt is a smart kid that wants to have an easier time doing his assignments in the evenings. 
 He's getting to look more like his dad every year. He's not the chubby cheeked little Kindergartener anymore and doesn't like to be reminded that it's called home"WORK" for a reason. 

Repair work with help
Whenever Grampa has a project, he has a helper. The pocket door got one wheel knocked off its track by kids running the circle that is the main floor of our house.  What a guy! Harlan got up and fixed it even though he was already ready for bed. Garrett was ready for bed too and he was curious about what was going on up there in that open space.

Happy boy & feverish girly

Garrett had a good sleep and was raring to go this morning. He ate a good breakfast and had a small piece of Aunty Coco's doughnut. He was a happy guy.
Danika had a rough night. She was just not feeling good and was up many times during the night running a fever. Poor little girly is missing the big MLK Day performance today. 
Me and my shadow...And my new wireless headphones which allow me to listen to tv while I'm puttering around the house.

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Sooo Wyatt, poor Danika, funny Garrett :) we sure like those cuzzies!!