Thursday, January 31, 2013

From General Store to the DR's office

Latte run this a.m.
Cameron and I swung by Grand Central Bakery this morning and picked up a pastry and latte for Harlan. It's hard to go in there and come out with only one pastry, so I bought two for him to choose from. He's enjoying a piece of coffee cake this evening with his tea.

Getting to know a new General Store

Cameron and I went back to the high school this morning to shop. Here I am in my new t-shirt, draped in Harlan's sweatshirt and holding Cam's new travel cup. I just might be the oldest new mother on campus but I like the school colors.

Wyatt's ear ache
Wyatt's had an ear ache every day this week  but didn't have any other symptoms. Joylynn put drops in it on the weekend and I've put some in every day before he went to bed. He asked this morning if he could go to the doctor to see if they could help it.

The kids' pediatrician's office has more books than some school rooms. They have two drawers full in each exam room plus a ton out in the waiting room.
Wyatt and Genevieve sat and shared an I Spy experience while waiting for the doctor. There were a lot of stories that Danika wanted me to read to her and several flap books for her to enjoy.

As both Joylynn and I suspected, Wyatt needed medical intervention to clear his ear of a major wax plug. If I didn't know better, I'd have said he'd put one of least favorite veggies (peas) in his ear canal. A large Green Giant brand by the look of it.

The relief was almost immediate.  He tested to see if he was going to feel anymore pain by swallowing air to make himself belch... loudly! It turns out that burping, swallowing, and yawning made his ear pain worse. He can now do all of them pain free. And he says he can hear again. Now if we can get him to listen... :0)

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