Friday, April 12, 2013

The world famous San Diego Zoo

The blue Toyota car
Henry's ultimate goal each day was to ride in the blue Toyota rental car that we had. It kept him quite motivated. He loved the one on one attention that riding along with us afforded him. He was a wee bit upset that on our final road trip, Grampa rode in their Honda car and Cherise rode in the rental with me.
What a ZOO!
Finding a parking place could be described as it being "a jungle out there!" People are pretty crazy and sometimes ruthless in pursuit of a space. We drove around for a really long time to finally get a spot.
Harlan, Henry and I were parked near this 2Koala sign and this tower, which made it easy to find our car at the end of the day :0)
The tour bus
Kiel and Cherise had tickets that they'd been saving from their zoo membership to be able to take us on this tour bus around the zoo. We got to sit up on the top deck!

Kiel had mentioned that we could see into more exhibits from the top deck of the bus. We did but we also experienced just how many hills and valleys the zoo has from our enhanced vantage point! 

Our walking tour

It's so hard to whittle the hundreds of photos down to just a few. I figure that these few show the essence of the zoo pretty well. The flamingos are so exotic looking. They are so many different shades of color. The tour guide said they would be pinker if they were eating primarily shrimp like those in the wild.These chimps were pretty funny. They traveled around in a pack like the Marx brothers. 
Henry enjoyed climbing on things that were made for climbing on :0)

I've never seen an okapi before. They look like they were made out of left over parts after God was done making an anteater, horse, goat and a zebra.

I sure hope that this sign was put up as a result of people scratching the bamboo, not preceding it.
Cherise and me by the pretty "tree"
Near the panda exhibit is this tree. It looks very much like a beautiful flower covered shrub. It is plastic with thousands of lights. one inside each bloom. I would have loved to see it lit up. It's pretty non the less.
Lovely stained glass window

Humpback and piglets

A camel is one of those creatures that I've never seen in person... until now. They are pretty hairy.

The little piglets here are some of the babies  that have been born at the zoo recently. They were mighty cute!
One more climb and photo op
It was getting to be supper time and time to go. Henry climbed up on this lion on the way to the exit.  We headed toward 2Koala and 1Toucan... silly zoo signs!
Somebody was hungry
Harlan and I were treated to a lovely restaurant that has great personal pizzas, pasta and salads.
 I think that Anabelle enjoyed her dinner more than any of the rest of us. 

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