Friday, June 08, 2012

First barbecue of 2012

Providence Children's Center

Garrett always has so much fun in clinic waiting rooms that he doesn't want to go into the exam room when the time comes.

 This was his final follow up with the Pediatric Neuro-developmental Specialist. The doctor's report is that: "He's amazing!"
But of course we all knew that already.

Cousins love Anabelle
I mentioned how Garrett loves Anabelle.  The girls and Wyatt do too. Wy calls her "AB". Belle-belle, herself, tolerates kisses from Garrett and enjoys the girls attention.

Getting ready to grill
Hayden got to use the pressure washer on the outside of the gas grill. 
Cherise sanitized all surfaces where food goes.

Har and helper
Harlan muscled the frozen hamburger patties apart.
Finally they're cookin'. 

Eating outside
All sitting surfaces were taken up and Cherise was relegated to the kids' play structure. Anabelle has the luxury of a cushy exer-saucer. 
Yummy food and lovely weather made for a very fine first barbecue evening.
Hope it's the first of many many more!

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Good times at the Hilman house! :) I love the posts of everybody pitching in