Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday stroll - week 2

Up the hill on Prescott

When we ate at G & G last Saturday they mentioned that they get their coffee from the Extracto Coffee Company. One of their coffee shops is in the building next to G & G. Their roastery and another shop is up on Killingsworth.

Just like Stumptown roasters, these guys don't have a dark roast. Har tried the coffee from Ethiopia and I tried the Burundi. We are far from coffee snobs but even we noticed the subtleties of the different beans.  Harlan said he likes dark roasted coffee because it tastes "less beany". I could taste a green coffee bean essence in my cup. I guess we are heading into snob territory.

Portland the city of Pooches and Pedals

You can't go to a Portland coffee shop on any morning of the week and not find bikes and dogs. Today there was an old dog and a young pup, both anxiously waiting for their human.
Canine art
I'd driven by this painting often during the school year but this is the first time I walked by and had my camera ready. I think it's clever. Much nicer than the huge graffiti tag on the fence above it.
Variation on "No Parking"
I love Sweet Peas
Sweet peas always remind me of summers and Lake Superior. They bloomed along the sand dunes. They grow wild along the freeways here in town. But nowhere where I can stop and enjoy their delicate fragrance. One of the yards on our walk had some growing wild near the sidewalk. They even had white ones. So we stopped and I took a couple photos. The weathered fence post and rusty gate perfected the picture.
Our neighborhood park

I've never approached our park from the 7th Avenue side. It's really quite beautiful.
Entering it from the paths closest to our house bring you either onto the playground or the ball fields. This way brings you onto walking paths though the dense shade of the oak trees.

Big dill
We saw a fair amount of front and side yard gardens during our walk.  I was impressed by the size of this dill plant though! I didn't realize they grew to be so big. Supposedly a mustard plant grows to be the size of a tree. "Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches." Matthew 13:32
Dill seeds are pretty small too.

Our walk today was longer than last weeks. We walked up the hill to Prescott, over to 7th, down the hill to Irving Park, through to Siskiyou and back home. Two and 2/10 miles today. 
It would be more of a workout if I left my camera home ;0)
Not gonna happen if I can help it.


Reese said...

Lovely lovely again :)
Our current home is a bit far from anything but Walmart and Ft Walla Walla. Which are both nice, just not lovely coffee and breakfast stops. Oh well. A stroll downtown here is nice too!

Lyssa said...

I am quite enjoying "joining" you on your walks. Ou'll have to go to some of the same places sometimes though, so you don't have to take anymore pictures ;)

We are within a mile or so of a Safeway, library, taco bell, and a couple other things but I think I might require a freak blizzard to descend and end summer before I walk there... Or maybe i'll just wait for summer to end. I'm a fair weather walker ;)